Dr. Janice Lawrence


Dr. Janice Lawrence

Department of Biology, UNB

Dr. Janice Lawrence is the Associate Dean of Science, and an Associate Professor in the Biology Department. Janice completed her BSc (Marine Biology) and PhD (Biological Oceanography) at Dalhousie University. Her PhD thesis investigated the source and dynamics of algal toxins in cultured shellfish. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at UBC studying the role of viruses in phytoplankton ecology, and received an NSERC University Faculty Award to join UNB in 2003. Janice is currently examining the distribution of toxin-producing cyanobacteria in New Brunswick water bodies using genetic tools. She also collaborates with researchers at the University of Bergen studying the co-evolution of viruses and their hosts, and NORCE (Norway) examining the fate of viruses in marine ecosystems. In addition, she co-supervises students studying virus and viroid infections in crop plants at the Fredericton Research and Development Centre.